Metall asosiy tenglikni - KingSong tenglikni Texnologiya Ltd

Metall asosiy PCB

Metall asosiy PCB

Metall Core PCB

With the increase of the LED chip size and polycrystalline LED the development of packaging design, LED the heat load are also redouble,in addition to this the heat dissipation capacity of plate material, its thermal stability of materials are also affect the LED products’ life.In short, high power LED products loading board material needs to have at the same time the characteristics of high heat dissipation and high heat resistance, so the packaging substrate material becomes the key factor, on the application of traditional LED heat dissipation substrate,Metall Core PCB be widely used.

Best MCPCB Aluminum PCB Manufacturer

Metal core printed circuit board PCB (you aslo can call it MCPCB , issiqlik tenglikni, og'ir mis tenglikni) o'rniga to'quv shisha FR4, FR3 yoki others.There metall tayanch materiallar tenglikni kengashi mehribon, tomonlama yagona tomonlama, ikki va ko'p emas taxta. Eng Metal Core PCB manufacturers are commonly used metal core material is aluminum, copper and alloy. Aluminum is the most frequently used among them due to its good heat transfer ability,dissipation ability and relatively cheaper costs than copper,even which may has a better performance,so it widely was accepted.copper although have better performance,but its cost more expensive,steel is more rigid than both aluminum and copper,it has normal steel and stainless steel,but its thermal conductivity is lower than others,simple speaking,aluminum material is the best choice,even considering from cost,rigidness and thermal conductivity.

There are single sided,two layer and multi-layer mcpcb,the Single sided metal core printed circuit board consists of a metal base (aluminum or copper alloy), dielectric layer, and copper conductor layer. The single layer MCPCB can be used with surface mount and chip & wire components. It provides much lower thermal resistance than FR4 PCB. And the metal core provides lower cost and allows much larger areas than ceramic substrates.

Metal Core PCB Stack Up

Metall Core PCB chunki samarali yuz qismlariga issiqlikni qobiliyatini an'anaviy FR4 yoki CEM3 tenglikni o'rniga ishlatiladi. Bu nitrit dielektrik qatlamini yordamida erishiladi.

ajoyib elektr izolyatsiya saqlab prepreg dielektrik, tayanch plastinka folga va qismlariga mukammal, issiqlik beradi. tayanch alyuminiy yoki mis plastinka, bitta-tomonlama substrat mexanik yaxlitligini beradi, va tarqatadi va atrof-muhit havosi bilan bevosita sirtini yoki o'rnatish, issiqlik chig'anoq issiqlik klubi qiladi.

Metall Core PCB xususiyati:

  • PCB elektron dizayn issiqlik diffuziya samarali davolash
  • , Operatsion harorati kamaytirish quvvat zichligi va ishonchliligini oshirish, mahsulot muddatini uzaytiradi
  • Kichik oyoq izi, kam apparat va montaj xarajatlari
  • yaxshi mexanik chidamlilik bilan mo'rt sopol substratlar tenglikni o'zgartiring

Metall Core PCB ilovalar:

  • Yoritish: LED Light alyuminiy tenglikni eng katta foydalanuvchi
  • Power modul: Elektr Konverter, İnvertörler, qattiq davlat o'rni, elektr yo'naltirishga aloqalarni
  • Elektr ta'minoti: sozlagichi, shahar / AC converter, SW sozlagichini kommutatsiya
  • Aloqa elektron uskunalar: yuqori chastotali kuchaytirgich, filtri texnika, uzatuvchi davrlari,
  • Audio uskunalar: kirish, chiqish Kuchaytirgichlar, muvozanatli Kuchaytirgichlar, audio Kuchaytirgichlar, preamplisi, elektr Kuchaytirgichlar
  • Kompyuter: CPU platalari, floppy disk disklar, elektr ta'minoti qurilmalar
  • Office avtomatlashtirish uskunalar: avtomobil disklar ...
  • Power modul: İnvertörler, qattiq davlat o'rni, elektr yo'naltirishga aloqalarni
  • Avtomobil: Elektron sozlagichi, kontaktni, elektr kontrolörleri ...


Base material: Alyuminiy, mis, temir Qotishma
Issiqlik o'tkazuvchanlik (dielectrial qatlami): / MK w 0,8, 1.0,1.5, 2.0, 2.5,3.0
Kengashi qalinligi: 0.5mm ~ 3.0mm (0,02 "~ 0.12")
Mis qalinligi: 0.5oz, 6oz gacha 1oz, 2 oz, 3oz,
reja: Yo'l-yo'riq, chiqib ketish, V-CUT
Kavshar niqob: Oq / qora / Moviy / Green / Qizil Oil
Legend / serigrafi rangi: Qora oq
Yuzaki qoplama: Botish Gold, HASL, OSP
Qadoqlash: Chang / Plastik to'rva
MCPCB turi: Yagona tomonlama MCPCB, ikki tomonlama MCPCB, COB MCPCB, ko'p MCPCB
Mfg hajmi: Prototype, Small, Medium,large
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