qalba tal-metall PCB - KingSong PCB Technology Ltd

Metall PCB qalba

Metall PCB qalba

Metall Core PCB

With the increase of the LED chip size and polycrystalline LED the development of packaging design, LED the heat load are also redouble,in addition to this the heat dissipation capacity of plate material, its thermal stability of materials are also affect the LED products’ life.In short, high power LED products loading board material needs to have at the same time the characteristics of high heat dissipation and high heat resistance, so the packaging substrate material becomes the key factor, on the application of traditional LED heat dissipation substrate,Metall Core PCB be widely used.

Best MCPCB Aluminum PCB Manufacturer

Metal core printed circuit board PCB (you aslo can call it MCPCB , PCB Termali, Heavy tar-ram PCB) huwa tip ta' bord PCB mal materjal tal-bażi tal-metall minflok ħġieġ minsuġa FR4, FR3 jew others.There huwa wieħed naħat, doppju naħat, u b'ċirkuwitu bord. L-aktar tal Metal Core PCB manufacturers are commonly used metal core material is aluminum, copper and alloy. Aluminum is the most frequently used among them due to its good heat transfer ability,dissipation ability and relatively cheaper costs than copper,even which may has a better performance,so it widely was accepted.copper although have better performance,but its cost more expensive,steel is more rigid than both aluminum and copper,it has normal steel and stainless steel,but its thermal conductivity is lower than others,simple speaking,aluminum material is the best choice,even considering from cost,rigidness and thermal conductivity.

There are single sided,two layer and multi-layer mcpcb,the Single sided metal core printed circuit board consists of a metal base (aluminum or copper alloy), dielectric layer, and copper conductor layer. The single layer MCPCB can be used with surface mount and chip & wire components. It provides much lower thermal resistance than FR4 PCB. And the metal core provides lower cost and allows much larger areas than ceramic substrates.

Metal Core PCB Stack Up

Metall Core PCB hija użata biex tissostitwixxi tradizzjonali FR4 jew CEM3 PCBs minħabba l-abbiltà li tinħela b'mod effiċjenti sħana bogħod mill-komponenti. Dan jinkiseb bl-użu saff dielettriku konduttiv termalment.

Il dielettriku imprenjati jipprovdi trasferiment tas-sħana eċċellenti mill-fojl u komponenti għall-pjanċa tal-bażi, filwaqt li jżommu iżolament elettriku eċċellenti. Il aluminju bażi jew pjanċa tar-ram tagħti l-integrità mekkanika b'naħa waħda sottostrat, u tiddistribwixxi u tittrasferixxi s-sħana lill sink tas-sħana, wiċċ jew direttament immuntar għall-arja ambjentali.

Metall karatteristika Qalba PCB:

  • trattament effettiv ta 'diffużjoni termali fid-disinn taċ-ċirkwit PCB
  • Naqqas temperatura operattiva, iżidu densità ta 'potenza u l-affidabbiltà, jestendu l-ħajja tal-prodott
  • impronta iżgħar, spejjeż aktar baxxi hardware u assemblaġġ
  • Issostitwixxi l-sustrati taċ-ċeramika fraġli PCB ma 'durabilità mekkaniku aħjar

applikazzjonijiet PCB metall Qalba:

  • Dawl: LED Light hija l-akbar utent tal-aluminju PCB
  • modulu enerġija: Konvertituri Power, Invertituri, relays stat solidu, pontijiet rectifier enerġija
  • Provvista ta 'enerġija: tibdil regolatur, DC / konvertitur AC, regolatur SW
  • Komunikazzjoni tagħmir elettroniku: amplifikatur ta 'frekwenza għolja, tagħmir filtru, ċirkwiti trasmettitur
  • tagħmir awdjo: input, amplifikaturi output, amplifikaturi ibbilanċjati, amplifikaturi, preamplifiers, amplifikaturi ta 'enerġija awdjo
  • bordijiet CPU, disk drives floppy, tagħmir provvista ta 'enerġija: Kompjuter
  • Uffiċċju tagħmir ta 'awtomazzjoni: drives bil-mutur ...
  • modulu Power: Invertituri, relays stat solidu, pontijiet rectifier enerġija
  • Karozza: regolatur Elettroniċi, tqabbid, kontrolluri enerġija ...


materjal tal-bażi: Aluminju, ram, ħadid Alloy
Konduttività termali (saff dielectrial): 0.8, 1.0,1.5, 2.0, 2.5,3.0 w / job
Ħxuna Bord: 0.5mm ~ 3.0mm (0.02 "~ 0.12")
Ħxuna ram: 0.5oz, 1oz, 2 oz, 3oz, sa 6oz
kontorn: Rotot, ippanċjar, V-Cut
Istann maskra: Abjad / iswed / Blue / Green / Red Żejt
Leġġenda / Silkscreen Kulur: Iswed / abjad
Finitura tal-wiċċ: Immersjonali Deheb, hasl, OSP
ippakkjar: Vakwu / borża tal-plastik
Tip MCPCB: MCPCB wieħed naħat, double MCPCB naħat, COB MCPCB, MCPCB b'ċirkuwitu
Volumi Mfg: Prototype, Small, Medium,large
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