Aħbarijiet Hot Dwar PCB & Assemblea

Il-Prezz Of Laminat Materjal Għal PCB Huwa Trobbija darb'oħra fl-Industrija PCB


Għall-klijenti kollha esteem tagħna:

Thank you so much for supporting and understanding us for such a long time since our company started the business of bare pcb board , pcb fabrication , components sourcing and pcb assembly, the final PCBA functional test !

Minħabba nuqqas urġenti ta 'materja prima bħal ram, ħajt tal-ħġieġ, drapp tal-ħġieġ u materja prima kimiċi, anki jaslu bil-materjali pakkett, l-ispiża tal-produzzjoni tagħna jkollhom żdied xieraq.

PCB Bord Materjal

Illum, misjuqa minn żieda ispiża li huma wkoll tisforza baġits tagħna, aħna se jaġġustaw prezzijiet tagħna mill-ġdid. Please be assured that we’ll keep our quality the sane or better than before, We offer a One-stop assemblaġġ PCB solutions.


PCB OEM & ODM clone/design/corrective /testing/certification services

From 1 to 24 layers PCB Fabrication

From sample to batch processing

48 hours fastest delivery

IPC class 2/3 acceptance criteria

Expecting circuit board testing,high quality factory wholesale price

Replying with price within 1 day

Certificate:ROHS,UL,SGS,9001-2000,ISO14001,SGS Lead-free


PCB production service with designed files (FR-4, High TG, Aluminum, FPC, Teflow, CEM-1, ROHS )

FPC ,PCB Copy service with sample

PCB/FPC Assembly service (SMT with 0201 component size; BGA pitch 0.3mm with x-ray inspection;DIP)

IC program with HEX file

PCBA final functional testing

Electronic components purchasing & Bom list purchasing

PCB SMT Stencil (laser cut& Etching)

PCB U Assemblea Ordering Proċess

You will receive fully fabricated and assembled boards when you need them with your completed gerber file and bom list,thank you!

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