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PCB tabula nexu modum circuitu: obturaculum modum nexum

In universa arma et apparatu, saepe uti obturaculum modum connexionis. Haec "aedificium obstructionum" structuram non modo mole productio curare quale products, reducendo sumptus systema, et debugging, sustentacionem praebet commodum. Cum pcb apparatu deficient / brokens in servitium populi non habent, ad reprehendo de components (id est, reprehendo causa defectum, fons est specifica components ut voluntatem takes a multus of vicis), sicut determinare quibus tabula est innormal et tunc vos can statim reponere illud tempus quaestionem solvere citissime, breviare downtime, amplio USUS de apparatu. Reponuntur in utili tempore peragendarum refectioni circuitu tabula post instaurabo parce pars.

1. Typis circuitu tabula Socket.

Et universa vasa, ornamenta, saepe hanc connexionem modo, vtpote secundum intentionem ad ostium tabernaculi de ore PCB, et parte ostium tabernaculi: et fabricata est in magnitudine, nexum ostendit numerum, nexum procul, pretium puncta ad excogitandum de layout, postremo PCB facere potest matched cum speciali PCB Pentium.

iungo ostium tabernaculi pcb

In the process of manufacture, the part of socket need pated gold surface finish, improve wear resistance, reduce contact resistance. This methos is easy to assemble, and the interchangeability and repair performance is good, is suitable for standardized PCB mass production . The short of this method is the improvement of the cost of printed circuit, has high requirements on typis circuitu tabula faciens accuary, often due to poor contact of socket because of the osidation orreed aging. In order to improve the reliability of external connections, we often paralel lead the same lead circuit at the same time lead the connection points on the same or bith sides of PCB.

Pentium PCB Connection in modum saepe muiti boards structure-products, ad ostium tabernaculi typis circuitu tabula aut fundum / Spring area habet tabula type genus et obturaculum-in pin.

2. Pin Latin Connection

This method can be used for the external connection of typis occúrsus tabulas , expecially in small instruments. Through standard pin to connect two pinted circuit board, these 2 printed circuit boards usually parallel or vertial, it is easy to achiee mass production.

Header PCB Connector Pin

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